Intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment provides patients with flexible programs designed to allow continuation of the lives and careers they were leading prior to – and during – their addiction. In this entry we will discuss the many benefits and options associated with outpatient care.

Significance of Outpatient Therapy

Outpatient programs serve as a bridge between residential inpatient care and the day-to-day life acquired in later recovery. Upon entering Summit Behavioral Health, a personal recovery plan is set into motion – an agenda to achieve and maintain sobriety created by the patient and a primary therapist. Prior to embarking on the plan, patients must assess their goals and weaknesses to help ensure as smooth and healthy a recovery as possible.

Treatment may consist of all of some of the following: daily tasks with a sponsor or mentor, a schedule of meetings, intensive outpatient therapy sessions, journaling, 12-step programs, motivation enhancement, exercise, and accountability evaluations.

Addiction Identification

Alcoholics Anonymous often goes hand-in-hand with outpatient care.Doctor consulting a patient about intensive outpatient therapy

AA and NA are organizations for recovering addicts, run by recovering addicts. Meetings provide participants with a message of hope, focus and accountability.

By working through each of the twelve steps of AA, many addicts have found redemption and solace in a life previously ravaged by substance abuse.

Family Involvement in Treatment

Family involvement is a crucial part of recovery at Summit Behavioral Health. In addition to education programs, loved ones are encouraged to participate in counseling and adhere to home environment guidelines. Transportation, child care, and social services assistance is also afforded to family members of those enrolled in our intensive outpatient program.

Patient Expectations

In addition to reporting to our facility for a specified number of hours per week, patients enrolled at Summit Behavioral Health must follow a series of additional requirements.

Participants are generally required to attend 12-step meetings and obtain signatures of group leaders as evidence of their presence.

Patients must also comply with all mandated court orders and required drug testing. At the end of the day, our collective goal is one in the same: Your recovery.

Need Help?

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, Summit Behavioral Health is the place to turn. Pick up the phone today and let our team of addiction specialists help you on track towards the healthy, happy, long-lasting recovery you deserve.

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